Friday 14 October 2016

Do u see the sign ? LOL

I've just read the Astrology Signs on Twitter and I don't wanna believe that but it seems like there're few thing that related to me. So I figure it out and found that quite same but not so really. Whatever ~

So, am I making an amazing friends ? YES, my friend are all amazing
Well, I'm not so considerate but I can be all the time
Not so humble and let me ask u, what so funny about me or am I a funny person after all ?? 
Okay this so true. I will do anything to make people around me happy again.
It might seem detached but this is only the way so I can make friends more easily.
Did I quite easygoing and love to joke around ?
I rather not turn into that moody feeling but I can extremely emotional at times and I usually will open up to many about this if you know the right way or right word to ask. I can tell you everything what I'm emo about. 
Till then, friends !

Thursday 6 October 2016

Rest in peace, Pou (Part 2)

Day 3 w/o Pou
Datang datang naik atas laptop terus baring peluk mouse. Ingat mouse tuuu boleh makan eyh ? Well, nanti balik takde dah Pou nak main main tidur atas laptop aku. Berebut nak peluk mouse. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Day 4 w/o Pou
Pou tak reti makan nasi lauk ikan apa lagi sayur. Dia cuma makan friskies saja. Kalau bagi ikan/ayam pun dia cium lama baru rasa nak makan. Kalau kucing lain dah telan lama dah. Nak nak sejak ada semput tuuu, dia mcm tak boleh mkn makanan berminyak. So, makan friskies je laaaa. Pagi pagi Subuh orang bergelut nak solat, dia minta makan. Meow meoww meowwwww ~ Lepas ni takde dah bunyi kucing pepagi minta makanan. Sighhhhhhhhhh

Day 5 w/o Pou
Apa gila aku mimpi pasal kucing jadi zombieee ! Ada sekor cicak tuu jatuh dari mana entah, lepas tu kucing ni main main gigit cicak tuu. And suddenly that cat turn into zombieeeee ! Okay this is insane ! Tidur lagiii petang petanggggg. I'm totally speechless when Pou turn into zombie. :(

Day 6 w/o Pou
Kenangan bagai mengejar mentari
Terbakar debunga kasturi
Kelibat cinta permain rindu kecewa
Bisikan indah khayalan ku seketika
Moga kelam resah ku kan berlalu pergi

Day 7 w/o Pou
Seminggu dah kan? Well, em truly miss you. Takpe i ada gambar u. Boleh tengok hari hari. Even kubur u pun dekat tepi rumah i. Honestly, I okay je kalau tak ada sesiapa yang throwback pasal u. Yes, I'm okay. Rest in peace eyhhhhh ! Kalau rindu nanti i tulis pasal u. Hewhewwwww

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Rest in peace, Pou (Part 1)

Day 1 w/o Pou
Serabut betul aku. Kerja satu apa tak buat. Haihhhhh Rest in peace, okay.

Day 2 w/o Pou
Semalam mimpi Pou. Dia hilang drpd rumah. Sampai ke Paya Jaras sana kitorang cari tapi tak jumpa jumpa juga. Habis semua kucing kitorang belek. Well, i miss u, Pou.